Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Impact Thing

 I am here doing raat pali in office. Thankfully in my new project I have complete internet access :D, so I do get to do some surfing in free time. I just read a post from my college buddy Dhaval's blog and that made me write this post.

 I still remember July 29, 2008. I had written a post called Life ,people who know me very closely would know what this is about. Also whenever I am asked in any interview or anything, what you wanna do with life? I answer, I wanna do something revolutionary, something which will affect the whole of mankind, something for the good of mankind.

 Well the reason for this post is, I would like to share my thinking with you all and see if you can think as I do. Ever since I can remember, I believe that there is a purpose, or rather there should be a purpose to life. Each and everyone must try to do something significant in life, we have a very short life compared to the life of the universe or the sun or the earth. We gotta do something more than education-job-marriage-kids cycle. Get out of the rat race people.

 Apparently we have the technology to reverse and stop the aging of a bacteria, I can say this because one of my cousin does this as a Microbiology scientist. 50 years down the line we'll be able to do the same to humans. Earth is not gonna be permanent, neither is gonna be our solar system. According to Stephen Hawkings we have to colonize in outer space in next 200 years.

 This is where I come in, or rather I hope to do knowledge of IT, well which in the above problem is of little use, but my passion of cosmology and astronomy as well as biology and genetics, I hope, I dream and I wish that one day before I die, I would like to do something that would make an impact for our future generations.

 My theory is, if the closest inhabitable planet is 200 light years away, we need medical science to help either increase the life span of humans or stop aging. Powering a space ship to travel so far and so fast, only thing that can do this is anti matter, I guess. The bottom line is, I dunno if I will able to actually do what I want to do, or if I will be able to contribute in any way. One thing is for sure, I will try to make my impact and I will hopefully make some post in this blog about it one day...

1 comment:

Darshan said...

good luck brother!